Friday 30 October 2015

Sampling - Joby Carter - Large Piece

Large Piece of Self Designed Sign Writing

To start with the phrase was written out to gain an understanding of the proportions of each letter. From there it was scaled up and the block colour filled in using blue acrylic. Gold acrylic outlining followed by silver 3D effect was then painted in. I would say this experiment was unsuccessful as the acrylic hasn't provided a flat enough finish as it dries before brush marks can settle, it also isn't gloss so doesn't provide a shine. Also using general paint brushes means long flowing lines aren't possible to achieve. To refine my technique in future experiments I will use long bristled sign writers brushes which can carry a lot of paint in one stroke. The piece is more successful in that it provides a bright, appealing and noticeable way of portraying information. I now want to combine the knowledge I have gained on sign writing with general ride decoration as I begin to study the artist Fred Fowle.

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