Friday 30 October 2015

Photo shoot - Joby Carter

Photo shoot
For the bulk of this photo shoot I went to the Great Dorset Steam Fair where the largest selection of vintage fairground rides are on show. This meant there was a large variety of sign writing on show that I have attempted to photograph in a way that not only documents it but displays it in the natural setting while incorporating photographic techniques. Other photos where obtained from a close family friends yard where a number of fairground rides are undergoing restoration.
Gold leaf writing on Fairground Transport

Scenic paintings on Carters Steam Yacht

Paintwork on Steam Yacht Staircase

Pin striping design on Steam Yachts

Scenic painting on Carters Galloper

Carters Octopus with elaborate sign writing

Carters Side Show, once a fairground staple

Details of Carters Grand Palace of Entertainment/Freak Show

Sign Writing on Carters Side Show

Sign Writing from Harry Lee's Steam Yachts

The Organ and Decoration of Harry Lee's Yachts

Gilded Gold Leaf sign on Glass

Demonstrating the durability of sign writing 

Intricate Sign Writing on a set of Boats

Intricate Sign Writing on a set of Boats

Up close of the detail on the boat's sign writing

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