Friday 30 October 2015

Artist Research - Joby Carter

Joby Carter
Joby Carter was born into the Carter families fun fair. Surrounded by the fantastic art, that adorned the families rides, from a young age he wanted to learn the art of sign writing. He landed himself an apprenticeship with master sign writer Stan Wilkinson and is now considered one of the 21st centuries best sign writers.
 His work can be found on any of the Carter's ride's along with many other showmen's ride's who have commissioned his work. He has also given talks on the history of sign writing in Universities and Art Schools.
 The main medium used by Carter is Sign Writers Enamel a specially formulated quick drying enamel paint, favored for its bright vibrant finish and its durability, essential when the rides are taken down and put back up week in week out.Gold and Aluminium leaf is often used as well to provide a level of grandeur to a ride. The surfaces for the works are a mix of Soft and Hard woods, sheet metal and ply wood, the materials the rides are constructed from. The final durable glossy shine is created by numerous layers of varnish. 
The artwork is designed to catch the public's eye and draw them towards the ride where they will hopefully spend their money. I will be using Carter's influence to re-create pieces of existing sign writing and then create my own sign writing. I plan to study the different typography's used by Carter and use these in my own work. I will also allow Carters work to influence a level of fine detail in my work.

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