Tuesday 26 January 2016

Sampling - John Wigston - In The Dark

Showmans engines come to life in the dark when the power they create via a dynamo lights the entire fairground and themselves creating an electrifying atmosphere within the fair and a comforting orange glow around the engines. This is something I want to try and capture on paper so experimented with a way in which to create such an image. The experiment uses a black paper background working onto it with acrylic starting with the darkest possible colours that would appear in the image and working up to lighter and lighter areas. 
The Dark Colours added as a background

Brighter colour used to pick out details and highlight shadowed areas.
I think this experiment was very successful in that it created the right feel and atmosphere that i wanted however the A4 sizes meant that the level of detail was limited. Therefore I will re do the sample on a larger piece.
The original sketch for the painting which was destined to be a hyper realism watercolor painting

The trace of the image to transfer it from white to black paper

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