I now want to bring together everything I have sampled and experimented with in a large piece and you cant get much larger than a rounding board with most measuring 30-40ft wide and up to 12ft high. Due to size restraints this will be a smaller scale measuring 7ft by 3ft. To start with I created a sketch to figure out the basic shape, details and proportions.
This then became a more detailed sketch highlighting the samples I wanted to include. These were: Flamboyant lettering on a gold leaf base making up the 'WALTZER', this section will also use airbrushing to attempt to blend two colours along a line.
Classic Sign writing with an Aluminium leaf border
A variety of different pieces of scroll work and pin-striping
Figurative paintings of Mercury flying out of the piece
Intricate Pattern work
This was then drawn up on the board and the yellow enamel outlines were painted in first with a sign writers brush. All paintwork is done in enamel for its durability and glossy shine. This highlighted a major problem that I would just have to work around which was the uneven texture of the board making it harder to use the brushes and paint than in my previous experiments on a flat surface.
Following that I laid the gold leaf for the 'WALTZER' lettering. This was done by masking out the letters and applying spray adhesive, then laying and smoothing the leaf before removing the masking tape. This was fixed using gloss varnish.
I then added the yellow base for some of the scroll work. Followed up by adding in the sides of the 3D lettering and starting the traditional sign writing.
Black outlining was then applied around all the yellow parts and the two Mercury's drawn in before being painted.