Monday 2 November 2015

Sampling - Fred Fowle - Working with Gold Leaf

Once I had the basic skills to use gold leaf I began sampling in the style of my artist
The first sample was created by using gold size and a long bristled brush to paint out a scroll type leaf pattern favored by Fowle. Leaf is then layed and excess brushed off. A black line is then drawn  around the entire thing. This line makes the entire design really stand out, an important factor in fairground design. The gold leaf on this piece hasn't adhered well.

A similar piece but this time the gold size was left longer to go more tacky and allowed for a better but not perfect adhesion. An improvement in the outlining can also be seen.
For this sample I created a stencil and used it to apply spray adhesive. The stencil is then removed and leaf layed. This has given a much better adhesion than the gold size.

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